Our Field Services

Field Services on offer to the residents of the Northern Texas Panhandle

The following field services, with the exception of some special water quality analyses, are provided free to persons within the North Plains Groundwater Conservation District. These services are not routinely offered for those outside our District, however, if you are interested please contact our office at 806-935-6401.

Services currently provided to those within the District include:

  • flow (GPM)/ pumping level (draw down)/static level,
  • water quality, coliform bacteria and water sample collection.

Note: The District will not provide field services to well owners or operators of wells within the District if the wells are not in compliance with district rules.

  1. The board of directors may adopt a fee schedule which sets the amount of fees to be charged for any services provided within the District.
  2. The District shall charge fees for all services provided outside of the boundaries of the District.

If you are interested in learning more please contact our office at 806-935-6401 or e-mail us at info@northplainsgcd.org