Groundwater Reporting

2024 Production portal is OPEN! Click HERE to sign in.


Make sure to the District has updated contact information for you on file, in order to stay on top of groundwater reporting dates and information. Please contact with any new updates.


All owners of non-exempt wells are required to report the annual groundwater production from those wells by March 1 of the following year.

An Establishing a New Metering Method Form must be completed and filed with the District to ensure annual production reports have accurate metering information. If you have recently purchased water rights in the North Plains Groundwater Conservation District and need to have an Annual Production Report sent to you please fill out an Affidavit of Ownership form along with an Establishing a New Metering Metering Method form.
What Should My Meter Have to be Acceptable?
Establishing a New Metering Method Form Affidavit of Ownership Form

Agent Authorization

If you repair or replace a meter you are required to notify the district within 30 days. Please use the meter change form and send to .

Meter Change Form

An owner may use an alternative metering method for all wells in existence before October 14, 2003, to report groundwater withdrawals from a Groundwater Production Unit (GPU) until the owner applies for a permit to construct a well or amend an existing well permit on the GPU. At that time the owner is required to install and report annual production from flow meters at the pump on the new well and all other wells within 365 days after the date the permit was issued. Owners of GPU’s of less than 640 acres and not contiguous with the owners other GPU’s may request to be allowed to install a flow meter at a central collection point.

Groundwater Reporting

Establishing a New GPU:
An owner can join together multiple sections of land if:

  • The sections are contiguous, and
  • The GPU contains 1600 acres or less with distant diagonal corners no more than 25,000 feet apart

Joined GPU Application
Single Unit GPU Application

The new GPU can go into effect for the current calendar year if:

  • the GPU is filed and approved by the District on or before Dec 31 of the current year

The new GPU must remain established for one full calendar year after it is filed. January – December.

Note: Once a New GPU is established, all conservation reserves banked go back to zero.

If applicable, you will begin banking reserves after the GPU is reported for one full calendar – January – December.

The District has a meter reimbursement program available to agricultural irrigation producers which will reimburse 50 percent of the cost of the flow meter. Information, requirements and applications for the program are attached. For more information on this program, go to Meter Reimbursement Program.


Click here for a How To video for using the Portal!


Do you have questions? Our staff members here at the District would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. For more information, please call our office at 806-935-6401.
