The WaterWise program is an education program designed to create awareness of water and energy efficiency in the home.
The WaterWise program is a fully implemented, multi-resource efficiency education program designed to facilitate installation of efficiency measures in homes and build knowledge of water and energy. The design yields a variety of measurable water and energy savings results using the best messengers – students.
A proven blend of teacher-designed classroom activities with hands-on home projects to install high-efficiency devices, introduces resource conscious behavior to students and their families. Both educational studies and utility evaluations prove the importance of addressing various learning styles to maximize learning and the adoption of new behaviors. A critical element of this approach is the actual use of the new knowledge through reporting. The reporting function provides reinforcement of new concepts while increasing participation and persistence.
Each participant receives classroom materials and a WaterWise Kit containing efficiency measures for their homes to perform the hands-on activities.
Each student/teacher receives:
- Student Guide
- Student Workbook
- Program Introduction Letter to Parent/Guardian
- Home Survey
- Certificate of Achievement
- WaterWise Kit containing:
- High-Efficiency Showerhead
- Kitchen Aerator
- Bathroom Aerator
- Mini Tape Measure
- Digital Thermometer
- Drip/Rain Gauge
- Flow Rate Test Bag
- Natural Resource Fact Chart
- Toilet Leak Detector Tablets
- Parent/Guardian Program Evaluation
- “GetWise” Wristband
- Unlimited Interactive Program Website Access
- Toll Free HELP Line
Each teacher/classroom receives:
- Teacher Book
- Step-by-Step Program Checklist
- Lesson Plans
- Program Video (VHS and DVD)
- Teacher Program Evaluation
- Supplemental Activities
- Texas State Education Standards
- Correlation Chart
- Pre/Post Test Answer Keys
- Water Poster
- Self-Addressed Postage-Paid Envelope
Interested in the WaterWise program? Please contact Baylee Barnes at 806-935-6401 or bbarnes@northplainsgcd.org.