March Board Meeting
Meeting of the North Plains GCD Board of Directors
North Plains Water Conservation Center
6045 W. Road E
About 9 miles north of Dumas, TX
Click here to view the agenda.
9:00 AM Tuesday, March 19, 2019
North Plains Water Conservation Center
6045 County Road E., Dumas, Texas
Call Meeting to Order and Establish a Quorum.
Opening Prayer
1. Public Comment
2. Consent Agenda
a. Review and approval of Minutes of meetings as follows:
Regular Board Meeting held February 12, 2019
b. Review and approval of District expenditures for February 1, 2019 through February 28,
c. Consider approval of payment to Lemon, Shearer, Phillips & Good, P.C. for professional
services and out-of-pocket expenses from February 1, 2019 through February 28, 2019.
3. Action Agenda
a. Receive report and consider action regarding to the District’s maintenance and operation
tax limit legislation.
b. Receive report regarding 2018 Annual Production Reporting.
c. Consider final compliance approval of Water Well Permits as active and complete wells.
d. Receive report and consider action as needed regarding agriculture water conservation
demonstration programs.
e. Consider action to approve the contract between the District and Leon New regarding
professional services for revising the Center Pivot Irrigation Manual and services related
to technical support for the Master Irrigator Program.
f. Receive report and consider proposed agriculture conservation loan agreement with
Texas Water Development Board.
g. Receive report regarding North Plains GCD Construction Projects.
h. Receive report regarding USGS water quality sampling in the district.
i. Receive report regarding district 2019 groundwater level measurements.
j. Receive report and consider action as needed regarding proposed statutes of the 86th
k. Receive report and consider action regarding compliance and contested matters before
the District.
l. Closed Session. The Board of Directors of the District may go into a closed session
under the authority of the Government Code, Chapter 551, Texas Open Meetings Act, to
Consultation with Attorney – Attorney/Client Privileged Consultations
Consultation with general counsel regarding pending compliance matters
before the District, exempt from the Open Meetings Act pursuant to §551.071
of the Government Code.
m. Consider recommendation(s) regarding matters discussed in closed session.
4. Discussion Agenda
a. District Director Reports regarding meetings and/or seminars attended, weather
conditions and economic development in each director’s precinct.
b. Committee reports
c. General Manager’s report
i. Upcoming meetings and conferences
ii. General Manager’s activity summary
iii. Permits Issued in February 2019
iv. District activity summary
5. Discuss Items for Future Board Meeting Agendas and Set Next Meeting Date and
6. Adjournment.
At any time during the meeting and in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551,
Government Code, Vernon’s Texas Codes, Annotated, the North Plains Groundwater Conservation
District Board may meet in executive session for consultation concerning attorney-client matters
(§551.071). Any subject discussed in executive session may be subject to action during an open meeting.
I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the Board of
Directors of the North Plains Groundwater Conservation District, is a true and correct copy of said
Notice; and that I posted a true and correct copy at a place convenient to the public at the District
office, at 603 East First, Dumas, Texas, and the Notice was posted on March 12, 2019, on or
before 5:00 pm and will remain so posted continuously for at least 72 hours immediately
preceding the day of said Meeting; a true and correct copy of the Notice was furnished to each
county clerk of the county or counties in which the above District is located.
Additionally, I certify that the above Notice of Meeting was furnished to the Secretary of State on
or before 5:00 pm March 12, 2019.
Dated this the 12th day of March, 2019
North Plains Groundwater Conservation District
By: ____________________________________________
Kristen L. Blackwell, Executive Assistant