Rainwater Harvesting Workshop

Date: Saturday, October 28, 2017, 9am-12pm
Location: North Plains Groundwater Conservation District, 603 East 1st St., Dumas, TX
RSVP: (806) 935-6401, or email info@northplainsgcd.org

The district will partner with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension and Research to offer a workshop exploring the topic of rainwater harvesting. Charles Hillyer, Ph. D., Assistant Professor, Extension Specialist – Irrigation Engineer, will present the workshop that is scheduled for 9 am – 12 pm on Saturday, October 28 at North Plains Groundwater Conservation District at 603 East 1st St. Rainwater harvesting systems can be as simple as a rain chain positioned over a planter box, or as complex as multiple integrated catchment areas and storage facilities with treatment systems to produce a potable drinking water supply. Hillyer will give an overview of the principles of rainwater harvesting to inform the mildly interested and provide a head start to anyone wanting to plan their own system. Please RSVP by Thursday, October 26 by calling the office at 806-935-6401, or emailing info@northplainsgcd.org. Registration for the workshop is limited.
