Program & Partners:
The North Plains Groundwater Conservation District (North Plains GCD) has funds available at 2.59 percent interest for the purchase of certain high-efficiency irrigation equipment. The loans to growers are the result of a $1,000,000 low-interest loan to the North Plains GCD approved July 2019 by the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB).
Use of Funds:
Loans can be used for center pivot replacements and conversions, pivot monitoring and control systems, and other irrigation efficiency tools subject to the discretion of the board of directors.
This TWDB funding will be used to help producers replace inefficient equipment with water-saving technology and ultimately keep thousands of acre-feet of water in the Ogallala aquifer. Outdated irrigation systems deliver water to crops less efficiently than newer systems. For example, a mid-elevation spray application center pivot system, known as MESA, has a 78% application efficiency. LEPA, low-energy precision application, is a system developed in the Texas Panhandle in the 1980s that operates at 95% efficiency. For a typical 125-acre, quarter-mile pivot-irrigated field, an upgrade to LEPA from MESA can save an agricultural producer 41 acre-feet (over 13 million gallons) of water in a growing season.
The loans are available only to growers within the North Plains GCD boundaries and are subject to credit approval.
Download the loan application here
Screening Application & Contact Information:
Full program guidelines and loan applications are available by contacting the district at 806-935-6401 and asking for Kirk Welch, or by e-mailing