2017 Water Conservation Artwork Contest Winners Announced

The results are in! Dante Delgado of Dalhart was this year’s grand prize winner in the Water Conservation Artwork Contest sponsored by the North Plains Groundwater Conservation District. The annual contest is open to all fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students who reside within the district.

Dante’s artwork titled “Water Cycle” is a colorful depiction of the water cycle with a smiling sun shining down on the landscape. Dante will receive a certificate of recognition, a $50 cash prize, and his artwork will be featured on the cover of the 2017 North Plains Groundwater Conservation District Water Conservation Calendar. Dante was in Mrs. Dona Smith’s class at Dalhart Intermediate School last school year when the entries were submitted. The calendars are free to the public.


Other winners in this year’s contest were:

Kamryn Long – artwork titled “Turn Off the Faucet!”.  Kamryn was in Mrs. Linda Henley’s class at Hillcrest Elementary in Dumas.

Jolee Jones – artwork titled “Don’t Waste Water”. Jolee was in Mrs. Gloria Mason’s class at Hillcrest Elementary in Dumas.

Arely Acuna – artwork titled “Save Our Water!”.  Arely was in Mrs. Krisa Smith’s class at Dalhart Intermediate.

Daya Vasquez – artwork titled “Drops Count”.  Daya was in Mrs. Barbara Kaul’s class at St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School in Dalhart.

Mitchell Bailey – artwork titled “H2O is Life”. Mitchell was in Mrs. Krisa Smith’s class at Dalhart Intermediate.

Ashely Rodriguez – artwork titled “Be Water Smart”.  Ashley was in Mrs. Kara McDowell’s class at Sunset Elementary in Dumas.

Valerie Najera – artwork titled “Save Every Drop”. Valerie was in Mrs. Kara McDowell’s class at Sunset Elementary in Dumas.

Janette Avila – artwork untitled. Janette was in Mrs. Kara McDowell’s class at Sunset Elementary in Dumas.

Sherlynn Herrera – artwork titled “Save Water!”.  Sherlynn was in Mrs. Kourtney Thelander’s class at Dalhart Intermediate.

Kevin Ivan Favela Martinez – artwork titled “Save Water”.  Kevin was in Mrs. Dona Smith’s class at Dalhart Intermediate.

Jolie Bowers – artwork titled “In a Drought Don’t be Without”.  Jolie was in Mrs. Jantje Olson’s class at Dalhart Intermediate.

Payton Ralston – artwork titled “Don’t Dump Water Down the Drain”.  Payton was in Mrs. Kourtney Thelander’s class at Dalhart Intermediate.

These students will receive certificates of appreciation, a $25 cash award, and will have their artwork featured inside the 2017 Water Conservation Calendar.  In addition, each student will receive copies of the calendars to share with friends and family.

The free water conservation calendars serve as a colorful reminder throughout the year of ways that each of us can be more responsible for our water resources in the little every day actions that we can take.  The calendars will be available at the North Plains Groundwater Conservation District office at 603 East 1st Street in Dumas, and also at water utility offices in each town within the district. You can also request copies of the calendar by calling the district office at 806-935-6401.

The district would like to thank all the students who participated in this year’s contest. We also appreciate the parents and teachers who encourage their students to enter this contest each year.  It is an excellent way to challenge students to think about ways they could conserve water, while allowing them to communicate a water conservation message to others through their art. 

Artwork for the 2018 calendar is already being accepted. Send artwork on 11X8.5 (landscape view) to NPGCD at PO Box 795, Dumas, TX 79029 or drop it off at the office at 603 East 1st Street, Dumas. Any 4th-6th grade student who lives within NPGCD’s service boundaries is invited to participate. Additional submission guidelines are available at https://northplainsgcd.org/conservationprograms/classroom/calendar-contest/.