Meter Reimbursement Program Now Open!
The Meter Reimbursement Program provides funding to irrigators to offset up to half the equipment cost of water meters.
Thanks to a grant from the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) the North Plains Groundwater Conservation District provides funding to irrigators to offset up to half the equipment cost of water meters.
The district is now accepting applications on meters purchased and installed on or after August 15, 2024. An initial grant was awarded to the District by the TWDB on the basis that meters are an accepted and effective management tool for producers and for groundwater conservation districts. Since June of 2014, the District has received $4,390,900.00 in grants for meters.
Here are the NEW Board Approved Meter Reimbursement Program Policies.
After all meters are installed and are operable, fill out the Meter Reimbursement Program Application, print and sign it, and along with complete receipts, return to All applicants must submit a Meter Change Form for every meter you are requesting reimbursement for.