Water Wise Gardening Class Offered by NPGCD
District residents learned how to have a beautiful landscape, while being a responsible steward of the area’s precious water resources. This topic was covered at the Water Wise Gardening Class held on Saturday, March 11, 2017 at North Plains Groundwater Conservation District.
Owner of Canyon’s Edge Plants Neal Hinders discussed xeriscaping concepts and low-water use plant varieties and their characteristics. Canyon’s Edge Plants is located on the square in Canyon and specializes in low-water use and native plants. The information was equally relevant for the person who wants the lowest maintenance and lowest water-use landscape, and the person who wants to spend more time working on their garden or prefers a combination of low water-use and traditional plants. Water conservation achieved through these practical techniques can result in savings of time and money for homeowners and businesses.
The class was free to the public, and class attendees received free resources on water wise gardening and xeriscaping. Dumas resident, Cindy Rhoades won the drawing for a $30 gift card to Canyon’s Edge Plants, while all attendees received a coupon for 25% off of purchases up to $100 at Canyon’s Edge Plants. For more information about district learning opportunities contact Kirk Welch at kwelch@northplainsgcd.org, or call 806-935-6401.